We’ll Help You Meet Your
Wellness Goals
Massage is hands-on therapy where muscles and other soft tissues are manipulated via fixed and movable pressure to improve health and overall well-being.
As an accepted method of preventive care, therapeutic massage involves different techniques that help:
Positive Effects of Massage
Improves Health by:
Reduces pain by:
Increases strength by:
Decreases stress by:
How to Prepare for a Massage
Drink plenty of water in preparation for a massage session. Before a massage, the muscle should not be hard as a rock. Therapy at a massage clinic is targeted at muscle, and releasing muscle may be impossible until the shrunken fascia is loosened. Hot stones may alleviate this tension. However, proper hydration is most effective. Time spent loosening the fascia is time wasted, and it can be put to better use.
Post Massage Hydration
After a therapy session, the goal is for muscle fascia to maintain a soft and supple state. Returning to shrunken and tight fascia undermines the many benefits of massage therapy.
What to Expect in a Massage Session
In a first session, a massage therapist will ask you to describe any physical problems you are experiencing.
Why Choose Our Services
Call us today at +1 (303) 920-9486 to schedule your appointment. We look forward to working with you.